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#346:  : C- : 29 2009 12:32
, .

The Greenery Hat

from Lilith's Lair of Lunacy

This hat was an exercise in math, cables, and killing boredom. If any of those appeal to
you, or if you just think it's pretty, you should make this hat. It's one-size-fits-all, because I
figure that if it fits my huge noggin, it'll fit everyone else's, too. Thank you all so much for your
interest in this project, and don't forget to show me pictures of your own Greenery hats!


20st/26r = 4"


one ball of Lion Brand Wool-Ease in Forest Green Heather


4mm/US#6 12- or 16-inch circular and DPNs
cable needle
tapestry needle

t3b: slip next st to cable needle and hold in back. k next 2 st. p stitch from cable needle.
t3f: slip next 2 st to cable needle and hold in front. p next st. k 2 st from cable needle.
t4b: slip next st to cable needle and hold in back. k next 3 st. p stitch from cable needle.
t4f: slip next 3 st to cable needle and hold in front. p next st. k 3 st from cable needle.

c4b: slip next 2 st to cable needle and hold in back. k next 2 st. k 2 st from cable needle.
c4f: slip next 2 st to cable needle and hold in front. k next 2 st. k 2 st from cable needle.
c6b: slip next 3 st to cable needle and hold in back. k next 3 st. k 3 st from cable needle.
c6f: slip next 3 st to cable needle and hold in front. k next 3 st. k 3 st from cable needle.


CO 108 st on circular needle
join without twisting and work k2, p2 rib for 3" (~20r)

--Note: If you don't want turned-up ribbing, only work 1.5" (~10r).

Begin Pattern:

Row 1: t3f, p1, k2, p1, t3b, p2, repeat around
Row 2: p1, k2, p1, k2, p1, k2, p3, repeat around
Row 3: p1, t3f, k2, t3b, p3, repeat around
Row 4: p2, k6, p4, repeat around
Row 5: p2, c6b, p4, repeat around
Row 6: p2, k6, p4, repeat around
Row 7: p1, t4b, t4f, p3, repeat around
Row 8: p1, k3, p2, k3, p3, repeat around
Row 9-10: repeat last row twice
Row 11: p1, t4f, t4b, p3, repeat around
Row 12: p2, k6, p4, repeat around
Row 13: p2, c6b, p4, repeat around
Row 14: p2, k6, p4, repeat around
Row 15: p1, t4b, t4f, p3, repeat around
Row 16: p1, k3, p2, k3, p3, repeat around
Row 17: t4b, p2, t4f, p2, repeat around
Row 18: k3, p4, k3, p2, repeat around until last st, which will be worked as part of the next row
Row 19: t4b, p4, t4f, repeat around
Row 20: k3, p6, k3, repeat around until last 3 st, which will be worked as part of next row
Row 21: c6f, p6, repeat around
Row 22: k6, p6, repeat around until last st, which will be worked as part of next row
Row 23: t4b, t4f, p4, repeat around
Row 24: k3, p2, k3, p4, repeat around
Row 25-6: repeat last row twice
Row 27: t4f, t4b, p4, repeat around
Row 28: p1, k6, p5, repeat around
Row 29: p1, c6f, p5, repeat around
Row 30: p1, k6, p5, repeat around and work next 4 st (p1, k3) as part of this row
Row 31: t4f, p4, t4b, repeat around
Row 32: p1, k3, p4, k3, p1, repeat around
Row 33: p1, t4f, p2, t4b, p1, repeat around
Row 34: p2, k3, p2, k3, p2, repeat around
Row 35: p2, t4f, t4b, p2, repeat around
Row 36: p3, k6, p3, repeat around
Row 37: p3, c6b, p3, repeat around
Row 38: p3, k6, p3, repeat around
Row 39: p2, t4b, t4f, p2, repeat around
Row 40: p2, k3, p2, k3, p2, repeat around
Row 41-2: repeat last row twice

Row 43: p2, t4f, t4b, p2, repeat around
Row 44: p1, p2tog, k6, p2tog, p1, repeat around
Row 45: p2, c6b, p2, repeat around
Row 46: p2, k6, p2, repeat around
Row 47: p1, t4b, t4f, p1, repeat around until last st, which will be worked as part of next row
Row 48: p2tog, k3, p2, k3, repeat around

switch to DPNs (I recommend 3 needles, 27 st on each.)

Row 49: p1, k2tog, k1, p2, k1, k2tog, repeat around
Row 50: k2tog, k1, p2, k2, repeat around until last 2 st, which will be worked as part of next row
Row 51: c4f, p2, repeat around
Row 52: k4, p2tog, repeat around
Row 53: k3, k2tog, repeat around
Row 54: k2tog, repeat around
Row 55: repeat last row
Use tapestry needle to pull end through remaining stitches.
Weave in ends. Congratulations!

#347: Aneta: N- : 29 2009 12:57
, ? , !

#348:  : C- : 29 2009 16:27
Aneta ():
, ? , !

Confused , Smile

#349: 79: : 29 2009 17:08

23 sts and 32 rows 4"/10 cm over St st using size 5 (3.75mm) needles.
Take time to check gauge.
Beehive Pattern
Row 1 (RS) Knit
Row 2 Purl.
Rows 3, 5, 7 and 9 Purl.
Rows 4, 6, Sand 10 Knit.
Rep rows 1-10 for beehive pat -
Honeycomb Pattern
(multiple of 8 sts)
Row 1 (RS) Knit
Rows 2, 4, and 6 Purl.
Row 3 *SI next 2 sts to on and hold to back , k2, k2 from en (RC), sl next 2 sts to en and hold to front, k2, k2 from en (LC); rep from * to end.
Row 5 Knit.
Row 7 *LC, RS; rep from * to end.
Row 8 Purl
Rep rows 1-10 for honeycomb pat.
With MC, cast on 63 (67. 71. 75. 81) sts. K 1 row on WS Work in beehive pat until piece measures 6 (6.1/2, 7, 7.1/2, 8) /15.5(16.5, 175, 19, 20.5) cm from beg.
Armhole shaping
Bind off 4 sts at beg of next 2 rows - 55 (59, 63, 67, 73) sts. Work even until armholes measure 5 (5, 5.1/2, 5.1/2, 6) /12.5(12.5, 14, 14. 15.5) cm. Bind off.
With MC, cast on 72 (76, 80, 84, 90) sts. K 1 row on WS. Next row (RS) Work row 1 of beehive pat over 20 (22, 24, 26, 29) sts, pm, work row 1 of honeycomb pat over center 32 sts, pm, work row I of beehive pat over last 20 ( sts. Cont in pats as established unlit same length as back to armhole.
Armhole shaping
Bind off 4 sts at beg of next 2 rows 64 (68. 72. 76. 81) sts. Work even in pats until armhole measures 4 (4, 4.1/2, 4.1/2, 5) /10 (10. 115.11.5. 12.5)cm. end with a WS row.
Neck shaping
Next row (RS) Work 16 ( sts, join 2 nd ball of yarn and bind off center 32 sts, work to end Working both sides at once, bind off 1( sts from each neck edge once, 1 st twice 13 ( sts each side. Work even until same length as back. Bind off sts each side for shoulders.
With MC, cast on 37( sts. K 1 row on WS. Work in beehive pat, ine 1 st each side every 6 th row 9 ( times, every 10 th row 1 ( times 57( sts. Work even in pat until piece measures 9 ( cm from beg. Bind off.
Wish two dpn and A, cast on 7 sts. Note At end of every row, do not turn, but slide sts to beg of needle to work next row from RS, as when marking 1 cord. Row 1 K7 B. Row 2 K7 A. Row 3 k7B. Row 4 With A, k2 tog, k3, k2tog. Row 5 K5 B. Row 6 With A, k2 tog tbl, k1, k2tog 3 sts. Row 7 With A. SK2P. fasten of.
Sew shoulder seams.
With RS facing, circular needle and MC, pick up and MC, pickup and k 68 ( sts evenly around neck edge. Join and work in St st (k every md) for ¾/2 cm. Bind of loosely. Set in sleeves, sewing last ¾/2 cm at top of sleeve to bound-off armhole sts. Sew side and sleeve seams. Sew bumble bees on sweater as shown in picture.
With dpn, cast on 90 (100, 110) sts. Divide sts evenly over 4 needles. Join, being careful not to twist. Work in St st (k every md) for 1½/4 cm. Work beehive pat as foll: *P 8 rnds, k 2 rnds; rep from * until piece measures 5½ (6.7)/14(15.5, 17.5) cm from beg.
Top shaping
Next rnd (Work 7 (8,9) sts, k2tog) 10 times. Cont in this way to dec 10 sts on next 7 (8, 9) mds 10 sts. Work even on rem 10 sts St st for 1/2.5 cm. Pull yarn through last 10 sts. Fasten off. Sew bumble bees oil hat as shown.


#350: Aelita: : 29 2009 18:30
, . Wink , , . , . - ...
T3b: , 2 ,
T3f: 2 , ,
T4b: , 3 ,
T4f: 3 , ,
C4b: 2 , 2 ,
C4f : 2 , 2 , 2
C6b: 3 , 3 ,
C6f: 3 , 3 , 2
108 , 2, 2 20 ( , 15 )
1: T3F, 1 , 2 , 1 , t3b, 2
2: 1 ., 2 , 1 , 2 , 1 , 2 , 3

#351: : . : 29 2009 19:58

: (02 2009 16:52), 6 ()

#352: shinshila_: , : 30 2009 01:29

#353: Aneta: N- : 30 2009 14:58
diusha chado

#354: Aneta: N- : 30 2009 16:38

#355: ligvita : 31 2009 16:02

: ligvita (31 2009 21:42), 1

#356: Amethyste : 01 2009 02:27
, , , , Smile

#357: -angel03061983: : 01 2009 11:54
, ... ...

#358: yolito : 01 2009 16:25

#359: s_lana : 01 2009 22:29
, ( )

: -

: s_lana (03 2009 00:50), 1

#360: filati: - : 01 2009 22:58
shinshila_, Izumrud, Huanita:

1, 2

: filati (04 2009 20:38), 2 ()

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