( !)
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#376: =Z= : 04 2009 20:40

#377: DinaSF : 05 2009 04:10

, ...

#378: natalipaskal: Bulgaria : 05 2009 15:16
, , !!! !!!

#379: dimensia: : 05 2009 16:15
=Z= ():
s_lana ():
, ( )


Z, ! . - ? .. : 1 .,* , 5 .. , , 1 .* .?

: dimensia (05 2009 16:22), 1

#380: LSR : 05 2009 16:21

Definitions used in this pattern:
K = Knit
P = Purl
Seed Stitch = Over an odd number of stitches, *K1, P1 (Repeat from * until one stitch remains), K1
K1-b = Knit through the back loop
RT = Right Twist Knit two together, leaving the stitch on the left needle. Insert the right needle between the stitches just
knitted together, and knit the first stitch again. Slip both stitches together off the left needle.
LT = Left Twist Skip one stitch and knit the second stitch through the back loop. Then knit both stitches together through
the back loop.
Cluster = With yarn held in front, slip the given number of stitches to the right needle. Pass the yarn to the back and slip the
same number of stitches back to the left needle. Pass the yarn to the front and purl the stitches.
M1 = Make One Lift the running thread between the stitch just worked and the next stitch. Knit into the back of this picked
up thread.
PRT = Purl Right Twist Skip one stitch and purl the second stitch. Then purl the skipped stitch. Slip both stitches together
from the left needle.
PLT = Purl Left Twist Skip one stitch and purl the second stitch through the back loop. Then purl the skipped stitch through
the front loop. Slip both stitches together from the left needle.
SSK = Slip Slip Knit Slip next stitch to the right needle knit-wise. Slip the second stitch to the right needle knit-wise. Place the
left needle into the front of both stitches and knit them together.
K2tog = Knit Two Together Place the right needles into the next two stitches as if to knit. Knit them together.
K3tog = Knit Three Together Place the right needles into the next three stitches as if to knit. Knit them all together.
YO = Yarn Over Wrap the yarn around the right needle in a counter-clockwise direction to increase the stitch count by one.
YO2 = Yarn Over Twice Wrap the yarn around the right needle twice in a counter-clockwise direction to increase the stitch
count by two.
P2tog = Purl Two Together Place the right needles into the next two stitches as if to purl. Purl them together.


#381: Aneta: N- : 05 2009 16:31
LSR ():

LSR, .

#382: 67: : 05 2009 16:55

#383:  : 05 2009 17:38
, , . , Confused

#384: =Z= : 05 2009 18:48
dimensia ():

Z, ! . - ? .. : 1 .,* , 5 .. , , 1 .* .?

... - , , ... yfwd ... ( ..)!

#385: =Z= : 05 2009 19:10
LSR ():


K = .
P = .
Seed Stitch = , *1 ., 1 . ( * 1 .), 1 .
K1-b = .
RT = 2 . , . . 2- 1- . . . .
LT = 1 . 2- . .
Cluster = , . . .
M1 = . . . .
PRT = . 1 . . 2-. . . . . .
PLT = . 1 . . 2-. . . . . .
SSK = 2 . . . 2- . . . .
K2tog = 2 . 2 . . . . .
K3tog = 3 . 3 . . . . .
YO = , 1.
YO2 = , 2.
P2tog = 2 . 2 . . . .

#386: Ilonka: . : 05 2009 21:09

#387: evelva: : 05 2009 21:10

#388: ZZ: , : 06 2009 14:56
sirina Wink

#389: Aneta: N- : 06 2009 16:13

#390: Aneta: N- : 06 2009 17:03

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