( !)
# # FAQ
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#751: : : 22 2009 19:00

#752: Irmok : 23 2009 00:06

: Irmok (23 2009 12:32), 1

#753: Milady: USA : 23 2009 04:13


#754: : ., . : 23 2009 09:15

, - ?

#755: Re: Rimusia: : 23 2009 10:29
svestik ():

Aneta, , Rolling Eyes

#756: DinaSF : 23 2009 16:06

#757: Rimusia: : 23 2009 16:48
, Smile

#758: : , : 23 2009 16:59
Rimusia , . Smile

#759: : : 23 2009 18:12

: 4
: 200. Katia-Mi Babe, 30. Limol , Altin Basak . .
: 50 , 1 .
: 3, 2, 1, 1. 12 2- 1 (2 ). , . 2 . 2 . c 1 .( ). c 2- . a .
: 1- . 2- . ( ).
: . .
: 3- . . , . .
: (?!), 1,2,3 4 6 , 14- 4 , .
( , ...)

#760: Oilenka: : 23 2009 18:34
Rimusia ():

.. .

#761: Rimusia: : 23 2009 20:47
- . Confused
:700 "Okilana"
: I..
: 22 I + 7 ., II 7 ... -3,2,1. .
: 26 () II. I, .
: 75 II, 55 20 25 ( )..
2- .
IIII/IIII- 4 .(), 4 ,

#762: Rimusia: : 23 2009 20:51

: 58 . I.. 35 9 . (1.,6.,2.) . .
: 29 ., . :3. I +32. II +6. I.
: 35 . I, .
I-. .
IIIII/IIIII- 5.(), 5., Smile

#763: Rimusia: : 23 2009 20:55
Margarita ():

:100. "Katia-Mi Bebe" 50 .
; 133 I. 8- 4 . 29.
: 165 I. 9 , 60 . I.
. . II.
: ( , ) 7 , -5. , .
I .
5 .
2 .

#764: =Z= : 23 2009 21:34
, o_victoria

#765: : ., . : 24 2009 13:41
, ! , !!!

Size: 1/3 - 6/9 - 12/18 months (2 3/4) years
Size in cm: 50/56 - 62/68 - 74/80 (86/92 - 98/104)
Materials: DROPS ESKIMO from Garnstudio
250-250-300 (300-350) g colour no 30, pink

Size: 1/3 - 6/9 - 12/18 months (2 3/4) years
To fit foot length: 10-11-12 (14-16) cm
Materials: DROPS ESKIMO from Garnstudio
50-50-50 (100-100) g colour no 30, pink
DROPS CIRCULAR NEEDLE size 8 mm (60 cm) or size needed to get 11 sts x 15 rows in stocking st = 10 x 10 cm.
DROPS CROCHET HOOK size 10 mm for tie strings.

DROPS POINTED NEEDLES size 7 mm or size needed to get 12 sts x 16 row in stocking st = 10 x 10 cm.
GARTER ST (back and forth on needle): K all rows.

Row 1: * K1, P1 *, repeat from *-*.
Row 2: K over P and P over K. Repeat row 2.

INCREASING TIP: Inc 1 st by making 1 YO. Work YO into back of loop on return row to avoid a hole.

Worked from top down, beg with hood.
Cast on 37-39-41 (45-47) sts on circular needle size 8 mm with Eskimo. Work moss st SEE ABOVE back and forth on needle with 3 garter sts SEE ABOVE each side.
When piece measures 19-21-23 (25-27) cm K 1 row from RS, AT THE SAME TIME dec 3-3-3 (7-7) sts evenly (do not dec on the 3 garter sts each side) = 34-36-38 (38-40) sts. Insert 4 markers in piece as follows (as seen from RS): M-1 after 4 sts, M-2 after 13-14-15 (15-16) sts, M-3 after 21-22-23 (23-24) sts and M-4 after 30-32-34 (34-36) sts.
K 1 row from WS. .
Continue in stocking st back and forth on needle with 3 garter sts each side towards mid front, AT THE SAME TIME on first row from RS inc as follows SEE INCREASING TIP: 1 st AFTER M-1, 1 st BEFORE M-2, 1 st AFTER M-3, 1 st BEFORE M-4 (= 4 inc). Repeat the inc on every other row another 15-17-18 (20-21) times = 98-108-114 (122-128) sts.
AT THE SAME TIME when piece measures 6-7-8 (9-10) cm from markers continue in the round in stocking st - P the 6 sts mid front on first round, and then work them in stocking st. After all inc are complete work 1 round stocking st on all sts and continue in moss st for 4-4-5 (5-6) cm. Work 1 round stocking st and cast off loosely.

Sew hood tog at the top, sew in outer loops of sts top avoid a chunky seam.

Crochet a string of ch measuring approx 1 meter with 2 threads Eskimo. Thread string through row after the garter st on neckline. Tie a knot either end.

Worked back and forth on needle from toe towards the heel.
Cast on 16-16-18 (18-20) sts on needle size 7 mm with Eskimo. Work stocking st with 1 garter st each side until piece measures approx 4-4½-5 (6-6½) cm adjust so that next row is from RS.
REMEMBER THE KNITTING TENSION! Now work 2 sts in each of the middle 2 sts (to make bootie wider at top of foot) = 18-18-20 (20-22) sts, P return row. Now slip the first 9-9-10 (10-11) sts on a stitch holder.

FIRST SIDE: Work remaining 9-9-10 (10-11) sts on row. Work return row and cast on 5-6-6 (7-7) new sts at the end of row work new sts in garter st and work remaining sts as before = 14-15-16 (17-18) sts. Continue as follows: * 1 row on the first 5-6-6 (7-7) sts, turn piece and work return row, 1 row on all sts, turn piece and work return row *, repeat from *-* until piece measures 10-11-12 (14-16) cm where longest, cast off.

THE OTHER SIDE: Slip sts on stitch holder back on needle, K 1 row from RS and now cast on 5-6-6 (7-7) new sts at the end of row = 14-15-16 (17-18) sts. Continue as described for first side until piece measures 10-11-12 (14-16) cm, cast off.

ASSEMBLY: Fold bootie double and sew tog mid back and under foot sew in outer loops of sts to avoid a chunky seam. Run a thread round the toe, tighten and fasten.

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