( !)
# # FAQ
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#766: @@: : 24 2009 15:31
- :
. . . , .

#767: alisunia: : 24 2009 16:09
. . . . !  !

#768: =Z= : 24 2009 16:29
=Z= ():


#769: Arika999 : 24 2009 16:47
, , Smile


#770: Aneta: N- : 24 2009 20:43

#771: Re: Rimusia: : 24 2009 22:03
svestik ():

:800 "Okilana"
: 184.( 4. , ) + 2 I. 12 B I. 4- . -4,3,2.
: 1.,1. II, .
: III. 10 1.,1. .
V- (1.,.)
I schemaB(palto viršus)-( )
I schemaA(palto apačia)kartoti 2 kartus-( ) 2  !

#772: 1978: : 24 2009 22:45
Uluashka, sofi2008

#773:  : 24 2009 23:17
Mari4ka ():

. Smile


#774: ad : 25 2009 09:44
-, , Phildar 804 - Doudous. ( )

#775: : ., . : 25 2009 12:28

#776: 1978: : 25 2009 12:43

: 1978 (25 2009 14:44), 1

#777: 1978: : 25 2009 14:41

#778: 1978: : 25 2009 21:32

#779: : ., . : 26 2009 09:38
, ! , , ! Confused online-patterns, Sad .
( ?)

Size: 1/3 - 6/9 - 12/18 months (2 3/4) years
Size in cm: 50/56 - 62/68 - 74/80 (86/92 - 98/104)
Materials: DROPS ESKIMO from Garnstudio
250-250-300 (300-350) g colour no 30, pink

Size: 1/3 - 6/9 - 12/18 months (2 3/4) years
To fit foot length: 10-11-12 (14-16) cm
Materials: DROPS ESKIMO from Garnstudio
50-50-50 (100-100) g colour no 30, pink
DROPS CIRCULAR NEEDLE size 8 mm (60 cm) or size needed to get 11 sts x 15 rows in stocking st = 10 x 10 cm.
DROPS CROCHET HOOK size 10 mm for tie strings.

DROPS POINTED NEEDLES size 7 mm or size needed to get 12 sts x 16 row in stocking st = 10 x 10 cm.
GARTER ST (back and forth on needle): K all rows.

Row 1: * K1, P1 *, repeat from *-*.
Row 2: K over P and P over K. Repeat row 2.

INCREASING TIP: Inc 1 st by making 1 YO. Work YO into back of loop on return row to avoid a hole.

Worked from top down, beg with hood.
Cast on 37-39-41 (45-47) sts on circular needle size 8 mm with Eskimo. Work moss st SEE ABOVE back and forth on needle with 3 garter sts SEE ABOVE each side.
When piece measures 19-21-23 (25-27) cm K 1 row from RS, AT THE SAME TIME dec 3-3-3 (7-7) sts evenly (do not dec on the 3 garter sts each side) = 34-36-38 (38-40) sts. Insert 4 markers in piece as follows (as seen from RS): M-1 after 4 sts, M-2 after 13-14-15 (15-16) sts, M-3 after 21-22-23 (23-24) sts and M-4 after 30-32-34 (34-36) sts.
K 1 row from WS. .
Continue in stocking st back and forth on needle with 3 garter sts each side towards mid front, AT THE SAME TIME on first row from RS inc as follows SEE INCREASING TIP: 1 st AFTER M-1, 1 st BEFORE M-2, 1 st AFTER M-3, 1 st BEFORE M-4 (= 4 inc). Repeat the inc on every other row another 15-17-18 (20-21) times = 98-108-114 (122-128) sts.
AT THE SAME TIME when piece measures 6-7-8 (9-10) cm from markers continue in the round in stocking st - P the 6 sts mid front on first round, and then work them in stocking st. After all inc are complete work 1 round stocking st on all sts and continue in moss st for 4-4-5 (5-6) cm. Work 1 round stocking st and cast off loosely.

Sew hood tog at the top, sew in outer loops of sts top avoid a chunky seam.

Crochet a string of ch measuring approx 1 meter with 2 threads Eskimo. Thread string through row after the garter st on neckline. Tie a knot either end.

Worked back and forth on needle from toe towards the heel.
Cast on 16-16-18 (18-20) sts on needle size 7 mm with Eskimo. Work stocking st with 1 garter st each side until piece measures approx 4-4½-5 (6-6½) cm adjust so that next row is from RS.
REMEMBER THE KNITTING TENSION! Now work 2 sts in each of the middle 2 sts (to make bootie wider at top of foot) = 18-18-20 (20-22) sts, P return row. Now slip the first 9-9-10 (10-11) sts on a stitch holder.

FIRST SIDE: Work remaining 9-9-10 (10-11) sts on row. Work return row and cast on 5-6-6 (7-7) new sts at the end of row work new sts in garter st and work remaining sts as before = 14-15-16 (17-18) sts. Continue as follows: * 1 row on the first 5-6-6 (7-7) sts, turn piece and work return row, 1 row on all sts, turn piece and work return row *, repeat from *-* until piece measures 10-11-12 (14-16) cm where longest, cast off.

THE OTHER SIDE: Slip sts on stitch holder back on needle, K 1 row from RS and now cast on 5-6-6 (7-7) new sts at the end of row = 14-15-16 (17-18) sts. Continue as described for first side until piece measures 10-11-12 (14-16) cm, cast off.

ASSEMBLY: Fold bootie double and sew tog mid back and under foot sew in outer loops of sts to avoid a chunky seam. Run a thread round the toe, tighten and fasten.

#780: MAMA : : 26 2009 11:16
,, -:

Chair pad measures approx 16 ins [40.5 cm] square.
GAUGE: 20 sts and 26 rows = 4 ins [10 cm] in stocking st.
Top and Bottom (make 2 pieces alike for each chair pad).
With MC, cast on 78 sts.
1st row: (RS). *K2. P2. Rep from * to last 2 sts. K2.
2nd row: *P2. K2. Rep from * to last 2 sts. P2.
3rd row: *P2. K2. Rep from * to last 2 sts. P2.
4th row: *K2. P2. Rep from * to last 2 sts. K2.
Rep 1st to 4th rows for Pat until work from beg measures approx 16 ins [40.5 cm], ending with a 2nd row of pat. Cast off knitwise (RS).
Side Section (make 1 for each chair pad).
With MC, cast on 7 sts.
Work in garter st (knit every row) until piece measures 64 ins [162.5 cm]. Cast off..
Panels (make 3 pieces alike for each chair pad).
With A, cast on 72 sts.
1st row: (RS). *K1. yrn. P2tog. K1. Rep from * to end of row.
Rep last row for Pat until work from beg measures 41/2 ins [11 cm], ending with a WS row.
Place markers at each end of last row. Knit 3 rows (garter st). Cast off knitwise (WS).
Sew short ends of Side Section tog. Pin Side Section to Top and Bottom pieces having seam of Side Section at center back. Sew Side Section in position. Sew 1 Panel to each side and Front of chair pad leaving garter rows above markers free to form ridge along top edge. Sew panels tog from cast off edges to beg of garter rows.
Ties (make 2 for each chair pad).
With MC, cast on 90 sts. Cast off loosely. Fold each tie in half and sew folded edge to each back corner of chair pad.

: MAMA (26 2009 11:33), 1

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