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#61: NataliWP: Seattle/USA : 19 2007 07:22

#62: Galask: : 19 2007 08:18

: Galask (19 2007 08:38), 1

#63: Galask: : 19 2007 08:28

#64: Xonxt : 28 2007 17:27
Homa ():
@, Galask,

, ! !

#65: sosedka: : 29 2007 00:12
shinshila_ .
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! ...

#66:  : 02 2008 15:51


#67: : : 02 2008 19:48
, !!! - !!!!!)) ! !

#68:  : 03 2008 15:36


#69: -: , : 03 2008 15:51
, - ?!?!

#70:  : 03 2008 22:38

- Confused Confused Confused

#71: -: , : 04 2008 01:07
... , Smile

#72: Lamelle-Helga: - - : 09 2008 08:56

#73: Lamelle-Helga: - - : 09 2008 08:58
Christmas Poinsettias Table Set


#74: Lamelle-Helga: - - : 09 2008 09:02

This beginner-level pattern creates a jolly snowman certain to bring a smile to everyone's face.

Skill level

Finished size
12 inches tall


* Medium (worsted)weight yarn:
o 7 oz/350 yds/198g white
o 2 oz/100 yds/57g black
o 1 oz/50 yds/28g green
o 1/2 oz/25 yds/14g each red,orange and yellow
* Size G/6/4mm crochet hook or size needed to obtain gauge
* Tapestry needle
* 2 poly beanbags
* 2 half-round black 18mm buttons
* 1/2-inch square black button
* Fabric glue
* 2 1/2-inch piece of cardboard
* Latch hook
* 3 plastic canvas 4 1/2-inch-diameter circles
* Black sewing thread
* Stitch marker
* Fiberfill

4 sc = 1 inch
4 sc rnds = 1 inch

Pattern note
Do not join rounds unless otherwise stated. Mark first stitch of round.


Rnd 1:With white, ch 2, 6 sc in 2nd ch from hook. (6 sc)
Rnd 2: 2 sc in each sc around.(12 sc)
Rnd 3: [Sc in next sc, 2 sc in next sc] around. (18 sc)
Rnd 4: [Sc in each of next 2 sc, 2 sc in next sc] around. (24 sc)
Rnd 5: [Sc in each of next 3 sc, 2 sc in next sc] around. (30 sc)
Rnd 6: [Sc in each of next 4 sc, 2 sc in next sc] around. (36 sc)
Rnd 7: [Sc in each of next 5 sc, 2 sc in next sc] around. (42 sc)
Rnd 8: [Sc in each of next 6 sc, 2 sc in next sc] around. (48 sc)
Rnd 9: [Sc in each of next 7 sc, 2 sc in next sc] around. (54 sc)
Rnd 10: [Sc in each of next 8 sc, 2 sc in next sc] around. (60 sc)
Rnds 11-16: Sc in each sc around.
Rnd 17: [Sc in each of next 8 sc, sc dec (see Stitch Guide) in next 2 sc] around. (54 sc)
Rnd 18: [Sc in each of next 7 sc, sc dec in next 2 sc] around. (48 sc)
Rnd 19: [Sc in each of next 6 sc, sc dec in next 2 sc] around. (42 sc)
Rnd 20: [Sc in each of next 5 sc, sc dec in next 2 sc] around. (36 sc)
Rnd 21: [Sc in each of next 4 sc, sc dec in next 2 sc] around. (30 sc)
Stuff Head with fiberfill, continue stuffing as work progresses.
Rnd 22: [Sc in each of next 3 sc, sc dec in next 2 sc] around. (24 sc)
Rnd 23: [Sc in each of next 2 sc, sc dec in next 2 sc] around. (18 sc)
Rnd 24: [Sc in next sc, sc dec in next 2 sc] around. (12 sc)
Rnd 25: [Sc dec in next 2 sc] around, join with sl st in next st. Leaving length of yarn, fasten off. (6 sc)
Sew opening closed.

Rnds 1-10: Rep rnds 1-10 of Head. (60 sc)
Rnd 11: [Sc in each of next 9 sc, 2 sc in next sc] around. (66 sc)
Rnd 12: [Sc in each of next 10 sc, 2 sc in next sc] around. (72 sc)
Rnds 13-23: Sc in each sc around.
Rnd 24: [Sc in each of next 10 sc, sc dec in next 2 sc] around. (66 sc)
Rnd 25: [Sc in each of next 9 sc, sc dec in next 2 sc] around. (60 sc)
Insert beanbags in bottom of Body using care not to stretch sts, stuff Body with fiberfill, continue stuffing as work progresses.
Rnds 26-34: Rep rnds 17-25 of Head.
Sew Head to Body.

Make 2.
Rnd 1: With green, ch 2, 6 sc in 2nd ch from hook. (6 sc)
Rnd 2: [Sc in next sc, 2 sc in next sc] around. (9 sc)
Rnds 3-5: Sc in each sc around. At end of rnd 5, join with sl st in next st, fasten off.
Stuff with fiberfill, set aside.

Rnd 1: With green, ch 2, 6 sc in 2nd ch from hook. (6 sc)
Rnd 2: 2 sc in each sc around. (12 sc)
Rnd 3: [Sc in next sc, 2 sc in next sc] around. (18 sc)
Rnd 4: [Sc in each of next 2 sc, 2 sc in next sc] around. (24 sc)
Rnd 5: Sc in each sc around.
Rnd 6: [Sc in next sc, sc dec in next 2 sc] around. (16 sc)
Rnd 7: Rep rnd 5.
Rnd 8: Holding Thumb next to Hand and working through both thicknesses, sc in each of next 4 sts, working in Hand sts only, sc in each of next 12 sc. (16 sc)
Rnd 9: Working on Thumb only, sc in next sc, sc dec in next 3 sc, sc in next sc of Thumb, sk next 4 sc of Hand that joined Thumb to Hand in previous rnd, sc in each of next 12 sc. (15 sc)
Rnd 10: Sc in next sc, sc dec in next 3 sc, sc in each of next 5 sc, sc dec in next 3 sc, sc in each of next 3 sc. (11 sc)
Rnds 11 & 12: Sc in each sc around. At the end of rnd 12, pull up lp of white, fasten off green. (11 sc) Stuff Hand with fiberfill.
Rnd 13: 2 sc in each sc around. (22 sc)
Rnds 14-18: Sc in each sc around.
Rnd 19: Sc in each of next 2 sc, [sc dec in next 2 sc, sc in each of next 2 sc] around. (17 sc)
Rnd 20: Sc in next sc, [sc dec in next 2 sc, sc in next sc] 5 times, do not work in next sc.
Rnd 21: Sc dec in rem sc from previous rnd and next sc, sc in next sc, [sc dec in next 2 sc, sc in next sc] 3 times, sl st in next st, leaving length of yarn, fasten off.
With Thumb pointing upward, sew Arm to side of Body.

Rnd 1: With black, ch 2, 6 sc in 2nd ch from hook. (6 sc)
Rnds 2-10: Rep rnds 2-10 of Head. (60 sc)
Rnd 11: Working in back lps (see Stitch Guide) for this rnd only, sc in each st around.
Rnd 12: Sc in each sc around.
Rnd 13: Rep rnd 12.
Rnd 14: Rep rnd 17 of Head. (54 sc)
Rnds 15-18: Rep rnd 12. At end of rnd 18, fasten off.
Rnd 19: Join green with sc in any st, sc in each sc around.
Rnds 20 & 21: Rep rnd 12. At end of rnd 21, fasten off.
Rnd 22: Working in front lps (see Stitch Guide) for this rnd only, join black with sc in next st, 2 sc in next st, [sc in next sc, 2 sc in next sc] around. (81 sc)
Rnd 23: Rep rnd 12.
Rnd 24: [Sc in each of next 2 sc, 2 sc in next sc] around. (108 sc)
Rnd 25: Rep rnd 12.
Rnd 26: Working from left to right,reverse sc (see illustration) in each sc around, join with sl st in beg sc. Fasten off.

Sew plastic canvas circle in top of Hat, stuff with fiberfill and sew Hat to top of Head.

Hat flower
Rnd 1 (RS): With yellow, ch 2, 8 sc in 2nd ch from hook, join with sl st in beg sc. Fasten off. (6 sc)
Rnd 2 (RS): Join red with sl st in any sc, [ch 6, sl st in 2nd ch from hook, sl st in next ch, ch 3, sl st in same sc, sl st in next sc] around ending with last sl st in same sc as first petal. Fasten off.

Make 3.
Row 1: Join green with sl st on WS of rnd 1 of Hat Flower, ch 6, sl st in 2nd ch from hook, sl st in next ch, sc in each of next 3 chs, hdc in each of next 2 chs, sl st in next st on Hat Flower center. Fasten off.
Rep row 1 in desired position on WS of center of Hat Flower.
Sew Hat Flower to front of Hat over rnd 20.

Rnd 1: With orange, ch 2, 4 sc in 2nd ch from hook. (4 sc)
Rnd 2: Sc in each sc around.
Rnd 3: Rep rnd 2.
Rnd 4: [Sc in next sc, 2 sc in next sc] around. (6 sc)
Rnd 5: Rep rnd 2.
Rnd 6: Rep rnd 4. (9 sc)
Rnd 7: [Sc in each of next 2 sc, 2 sc in next sc] around. (12 sc)
Rnds 8 & 9: Rep rnd 2. At end of rnd 9, join with sl st in next sc. Leaving a length of yarn, fasten off.
Stuff with fiberfill, sew to center of face.

Sew half-round buttons evenly spaced above Nose; secure with glue underneath.

Center and sew square button below Nose; secure with glue underneath.

Latch-Hook Fringe
Wrap rem white yarn around 2 1/2-inch cardboard. Cut 1 end of lps. White yarn is latch-hooked around each sc st of Head, Body and Arms over white sections. (Continue with the remainder of the instructions that are already there.)

Row 1: With green, ch 10, hdc in 2nd ch from hook, [ch 1, sk next ch, hdc in next ch] across, turn. (5 hdc)
Rows 2-60: Ch 1, hdc in first hdc, [ch 1, hdc in next ch-1 sp] 4 times, turn. At the end of row 60, fasten off.

With latch-hook cutter, cut 18 strands of green. Attach 1 strand of yarn to each st across each end of Scarf.

Scarf Knot
Row 1: With green, ch 6, hdc in 2nd ch from hook, [ch 1, sk next ch, hdc in next ch] twice, turn. (3 hdc)
Rows 2-10: Ch 1, hdc in first hdc, [ch 1, hdc in next ch-1 sp] twice, turn. (3 hdc)
At the end of row 10, leaving length of yarn, fasten off.
Sew starting ch on opposite side of row to sts of row 10.
Place Scarf around neckline, slide each end of Scarf through Scarf Knot and position as desired.

#75: Lamelle-Helga: - - : 09 2008 09:04
Renaissance Elf, Gingerbread Man & Snowman Shelf Sitters

Holiday decorating has never been so easy! Create a trio of characters full of Christmas cheer.

Renaissance Elf

Skill level

Finished Size
9 inches tall seated, excluding legs

* Medium (worsted) weight yarn:
o 2 oz/140 yds/56g green (A) small amount each of peach (B), white (C), rust (D), black (E)
* Size G/6/4mm crochet hook or size needed to obtain gauge
* Tapestry needle
* 12-inch square of plastic wrap: 2
* 1 cup uncooked rice
* Polyester fiberfill
* 1 x 2-inch piece of cardboard

4 dc = 1 inch

Pattern Note
Before starting project, make rice pouch as follows: Place rice in center of 1 piece of plastic wrap, fold up corners and twist to secure; flatten pouch slightly. Wrap with 2nd piece of plastic wrap.


Rnd 1 (RS): Starting at bottom with A, ch 3; 9 hdc in 3rd ch from hook (beg 2 sk chs count as a hdc); join with a sl st in 2nd ch of beg 2 sk chs. (10 hdc)
Rnd 2: Ch 2 (counts as a hdc on this and following rnds), hdc in same ch as joining; 2 hdc in each hdc; join in 2nd ch of beg ch-2. (20 hdc)
Rnd 3: Ch 2, hdc in same ch as joining and in next hdc; [2 hdc in next hdc, hdc in next hdc] 9 times; join in 2nd ch of beg ch-2. (30 hdc)
Rnd 4: Ch 2, hdc in same ch as joining and in next 2 hdc; [2 hdc in next hdc, hdc in next 2 hdc] 9 times; join in 2nd ch of beg ch-2. (40 hdc)
Rnd 5: Ch 2, hdc in same ch as joining and in next 3 hdc; [2 hdc in next hdc, hdc in next 3 hdc] 5 times; [2 hdc in next hdc, hdc in next hdc] 8 times; join in 2nd ch of beg ch-2. (54 hdc)
Rnd 6: Ch 2, hdc in each hdc; join in 2nd ch of beg ch-2.
Rnds 7-9: Rep rnd 6.
Note: For hdc dec, [yo, draw up lp in st indicated] twice; yo and draw through all 5 lps on hook.
Rnd 10: Ch 2, hdc in next 2 hdc, hdc dec (see Note) in next 2 hdc; [hdc in next 3 hdc, hdc dec in next 2 hdc] 9 times; hdc in next 4 hdc; join in 2nd ch of beg ch-2.(44 hdc)
Rnd 11: Rep rnd 6.
Rnd 12: Ch 2, hdc in next hdc, hdc dec; [hdc in next 2 hdc, hdc dec] 10 times; join in 2nd ch of beg ch-2. (33 hdc)
Rnds 13 & 14: Rep rnd 6.
Insert rice pouch (see Pattern Note) after rnd 14.
Rnd 15: Ch 2, hdc dec; [hdc in next hdc, hdc dec] 10 times; join in 2nd ch of beg ch-2. (22 hdc)
Rnd 16: Rep rnd 6.
Rnd 17: Ch 2, hdc dec; [hdc in next hdc, hdc dec] 6 times; hdc in next hdc; join in 2nd ch of beg ch-2. (15 hdc)
Change to B by drawing lp through; cut A.
Note: Stuff Body lightly with fiberfill.

Rnd 1 (RS): Ch 2, 2 hdc in each of next 2 hdc; [hdc in next hdc, 2 hdc in each of next 2 hdc] 4 times; join in 2nd ch of beg ch-2. (25 hdc)
Rnd 2: Ch 2, [2 hdc in next hdc, hdc in next 2 hdc] 8 times; join in 2nd ch of beg of ch-2. (33 hdc)
Rnd 3: Ch 2, hdc in each hdc; join in 2nd hc of beg of ch-2.
Rnds 4 & 5: Rep rnd 3.
Rnd 6: Ch 2, [hdc in next 2 hdc, hdc dec] 8 times. (25 hdc)
Rnd 7: Ch 2, hdc in next hdc, hdc dec; [hdc in next 2 hdc, hdc dec] 5 times; hdc in next hdc; join in 2nd ch of beg ch-2. (19 hdc)
Rnd 8: Ch 2, [hdc dec, hdc in next hdc] 6 times; join in 2nd ch of beg ch-2. (13 hdc)
Note: Stuff Head firmly with fiberfill.
Rnd 9: Ch 2, [hdc dec] 6 times; join in 2nd ch of beg ch-2. (7 hdc)
Fasten off, leaving a 6-inch end for sewing.
With tapestry needle, weave end through each st on last rnd. Pull tightly to close, and secure end. Weave in all ends.

Make 2.
Rnd 1 (RS): Starting at hands with A, ch 3; 7 hdc in 3rd ch from hook (beg 2 sk chs count as a hdc); join in 2nd ch of beg 2 sk chs. (8 hdc)
Rnd 2: Ch 2 (counts as a hdc on this and following rnds), hdc in same ch as joining and in next hdc; [2 hdc in next hdc, hdc in next hdc] 3 times; join in 2nd ch of beg ch-2. (12 hdc)
Rnd 3: Ch 2, hdc in each hdc; join in 2nd ch of beg ch-2.
Rnd 4: Ch 2, hdc dec; [hdc in next hdc, hdc dec] 3 times; join in 2nd ch of beg ch-2. (8 hdc) Change to C by drawing lp through; cut A.
Rnd 5: Ch 2, hdc in each hdc; join in 2nd ch of beg ch-2. Change to D; cut C.
Rnd 6: Ch 2, hdc in each hdc; join in 2nd ch of beg ch-2. Change to C; cut D.
Rnds 7-12: [Work rnds 5 and 6] 3 times.
Rnd 13: Rep rnd 5.
Rnd 14: Ch 2, hdc in each hdc; join in 2nd ch of beg ch-2.
Fasten off, leaving a 6-inch end for sewing. Weave in other end.

Make 2.
Rnd 1 (RS): Starting at bottom of foot with A, ch 3; 7 hdc in 3rd ch from hook (beg 2 sk chs count as an hdc); join in 2nd ch of beg ch-3. (8 hdc)
Rnd 2: Ch 2 (counts as a hdc on this and following rnds), hdc in same ch as joining and in next hdc; [2 hdc in next hdc, hdc in next hdc] 3 times; join in 2nd ch of beg ch-2. (12 hdc)
Rnd 3: Ch 2, hdc in same ch as joining and in next 2 hdc; [2 hdc in next hdc, hdc in next 2 hdc] 3 times; join in 2nd ch of beg ch-2. (16 hdc)
Rnd 4: Ch 2, hdc in next hdc, hdc dec; [hdc in next 2 hdc, hdc dec] 3 times; join in 2nd ch of beg ch-2. (12 hdc)
Rnd 5: Ch 2, hdc dec; [hdc in next hdc, hdc dec] 3 times; join in 2nd ch of beg ch-2. (8 hdc) Change to C by drawing lp through; cut A.
Rnd 6: Ch 2, hdc in each hdc; join in 2nd ch of beg ch-2. Change to D; cut C.
Rnd 7: Ch 2, hdc in each hdc; join in 2nd ch of beg ch-2. Change to C; cut D.
Rnds 8-15: [Work rnds 6 and 7] 4 times.
Rnd 16: Rep rnd 6.
Rnd 17: Ch 2, hdc in each hdc; join in 2nd ch of beg ch-2.
Fasten off, leaving a 6-inch end for sewing. Weave in other end.

Row 1 (RS): With B, ch 2; 2 sc in 2nd ch from hook, turn.
Row 2: Ch 1, sc in first sc, 2 sc in next sc.
Fasten off, leaving a 6-inch end for sewing. Weave in other end.


Left Ear
With B, ch 5; 2 hdc in 4th ch from hook (beg 3 sk chs count as a dc); in next ch work (hdc, sc, ch 1, sl st). Fasten off, leaving a 6-inch end for sewing. Weave in other end.

Right Ear
With B, ch 3; in 2nd ch from hook work (sc, hdc); in next ch work (2 hdc, ch 3, sl st).
Fasten off,leaving a 6-inch end for sewing. Weave in other end.

Rnd 1 (RS): Starting at top of hat with D, ch 3; 3 hdc in 3rd ch from hook (beg sk 2 chs count as a hdc); join in first ch of beg ch-3. (4 hdc)
Rnd 2: Ch 2 (counts as a hdc on this and following rnds); hdc in same ch as joining and in next hdc; 2 hdc in next hdc; hdc in next hdc; join in 2nd ch of beg ch-2. (6 hdc)
Rnd 3: Ch 2, hdc in same ch as joining and in next hdc; [2 hdc in next hdc, hdc in next hdc] twice; join in 2nd ch of beg ch-2. (9 hdc)
Rnd 4: Ch 2, hdc in same ch as joining and in next 2 hdc; [2 hdc in next hdc, hdc in next 2 hdc] twice; join in 2nd ch of beg-2. (12 hdc)
Rnd 5: Ch 2, hdc in same ch as joining and in next 3 hdc; [2 hdc in next hdc, hdc in next 3 hdc] twice; join in 2nd ch of beg ch-2. (15 hdc)
Rnd 6: Ch 2, hdc in same ch as joining and in next 4 hdc; [2 hdc in next hdc, hdc in next 4 hdc] twice; join in 2nd ch of beg ch-2. (18 hdc)
Rnd 7: Ch 2, hdc in same ch as joining and in next 5 hdc; [2 hdc in next hdc, hdc in next 5 hdc] twice; join in 2nd ch of beg ch-2. (21 hdc)
Rnd 8: Ch 2, hdc in same ch as joining and in next 6 hdc; [2 hdc in next hdc, hdc in next 6 hdc] twice; join in 2nd ch of beg ch-2. (24 hdc)
Rnd 9: Ch 2, hdc in same ch as joining; [hdc in next 4 hdc, 2 hdc in next hdc] 4 times; hdc in next 3 hdc; join in 2nd ch of beg ch-2. (29 hdc)
Rnd 10: Ch 2, hdc in same ch as joining; [hdc in next 8 hdc, 2 hdc in next hdc] 3 times; hdc in next hdc; join in 2nd ch of beg ch-2. (33 hdc)
Rnd 11: Ch 2, hdc in each hdc; join in back lp (see Stitch Guide) of 2nd ch of beg ch-2, turn.

Rnd 1: Ch 2, working in back lps only, hdc in same lp as joining and in next 2 hdc; [2 hdc in next hdc, hdc in next 2 hdc] 10 times; join in 2nd ch of beg ch-2, turn. (44 hdc)
Rnd 2: Ch 2, working through both lps, sk next hdc, [sl st in next hdc, ch 2, sk next hdc] 21 times; join in first ch of beg ch-2.
Fasten off and weave in ends.

Row 1 (WS): With C and leaving an 8-inch end, loosely ch 20; hdc in 3rd ch from hook (beg 2 sk chs count as a hdc); 2 hdc in next ch; [hdc in next ch, 2 hdc in next ch] 8 times, turn. (28 hdc)
Row 2 (RS): Ch 2, [sk next hdc, sl st in next hdc] 13 times; ch 2, sk next hdc; join in first ch of beg ch-2.
Fasten off, leaving an 8-inch end. Weave in other end.

Step 1: Stuff Arms and Legs lightly with fiberfill.
Step 2: Fold over top of 1 Arm. Referring to photo for placement and working through both thicknesses with long end, sew in place on Body. Rep with rem Arm. Sew Legs to Body in same manner.
Step 3: For tassel, wind C lengthwise around cardboard 5 times. Cut yarn at 1 end. Holding 5 strands tog, fold over a 6-inch strand of yarn; tie 6-inch strand into knot. With separate 3-inch strand of yarn, wrap around folded strands 1/2 inch from fold; tie into knot and cut close. With long ends left from 6-inch strand, tack to top of Hat. Trim tassel ends to desired length.
Step 4: Fold Nose in half and sew along end of rows, using long end. Shape Nose and sew to face.
Step 5: Referring to photo for placement, sew Ears to Head.
Step 6: Place Collar around neck and tie long ends in bow at front. Trim ends as desired
Step 7: With E, make 2 French knots (see Fig. 1) for eyes. With D, sew mouth, using straight st (see Fig. 2).

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