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This dazzling Dragonfly was created to hang in a sunny place. The light catches the crystals and sparkles in the sunlight. It will surely brighten up your day.
(1) - Crystal Drop
(1) - 8mm Austrian Crystal Bicone
(2) - 6mm Austrian Crystal Bicone
(2) - 4mm Austrian Crystal Bicone
(2) - Crimp Beads
(1) - 8" piece of tigertail (.18) or Soft Flex wire (.19)
1 - 18" piece of 26g artistic wire or 28g craft wire
Chain-nose or
Crimp pliers (optional)
Step 1 - Attach the crystal drop to one end of the flexible beading wire and secure with a crimp bead. Trim excess wire.
Step 2 - Add the 4, 6 and 8mm bicones starting with the smallest and ending with the 8mm.
Step 3 - Add the crimp bead, create a loop by running the end of the wire back through the crimp bead and crimp to secure. Trim excess wire.
Step 4 - Wrap the remaining wire a couple of times around your hand to create two small circles of wire. Pinch the center and wrap the tail of the wire around the middle. Seperate loops and form into wings.
Step 5 - Attach wings to body by wrapping the tail around the body just under the head.
Боже, какая красота! Есть курсы специально обучающие плетению из проволоки, или все самоучки? Очень хочу научиться! _________________ Женщина создана для любви!
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